

Page history last edited by Deborah Johnson 14 years, 6 months ago

Student Wiki Assessment- How can you assess a student wiki?


Collaboration: One of the key ideas of a wiki is to create a space where people can collaborate and share information. How have your students used the wiki to create conversation? Do they invite criticism? Are they polite and respectful when they agree or disagree with another person?


Questions: Most places in our society, let alone in education, involve giving (dumping) information. Has the student asked about the reader? There is a world of opportuntiy in a wiki to think about others, to ask all sorts of questions and to get immediate answers. (And, if there are too many answers, hooray, hooray, then you or the reader can create an entire new page just for that question or topic.) "That was easy." Now, what do you think about that???


Design: A successful wiki has a clean, crisp design. This means legible fonts, good color choice (no yellow text on a green background!), and a nice, structured layout


Navigation: Are the students making it easy for people to use the wiki? Have they created links to other wiki pages, outside sources, or created a table of contents? Was it easy to find information on their wiki


Using Tools: A wiki allows a student to present information in a variety of formats. How are they taking advantage of these tools? Are they using video, pictures, chat programs, or tables?


Why a Wiki: What about this student's wiki presentation makes it more successful than sharing the information in another format? How has this student's wiki portrayed information better than a paper, essay, or speech?


Creativity: Have the students attacked this project in a particularly creative way? Did the shoot a video, upload it on YouTube, and then link to it on the wiki? Did they recreate Hamlet in Yack Pack using texting language? We're all about creativity at PBwiki, and we love to see how others think outside the box.


Check out these websites for great wiki grading rubrics: