
Wiki Etiquette for Students

Page history last edited by Sean Murphy 14 years, 5 months ago

Wiki Etiquette for Students - How to act on a wiki.(linked from


Keep safe. Never post your personal information or information about someone else. Keep things like ages, addresses, phone numbers, names of towns, or even places we work off the Internet. Remember that information on the internet, especially embarrassing information, may still be around after you've deleted it. Be careful not to post things that may come back to haunt you later. 


Be truthful. Write things you know to be correct using facts from research from reliable, credible sources.


Ask first, then give credit. Ask an artist's permission to post their photos, pictures or pieces of writing. Never use first and last names of people that could identify them in a photo or video. You must also ask permission when using an idea from a friend, a family member, or even from an acquaintance. After you have his/her permission, then you must ask if you can post his/her name to give him/her credit. If you know anyone who is breaking any part of this rule, it is very important to tell someone who can help immediately.


Be nice. The most important thing to remember is sarcasm hurts. Be overly friendly and be positive. Remember ... treat others as you would like to be treated.


Read, re-read, and proof-read before you click ENTER. Don't rush to make that final . Once you press that button, you can't bring it back. Look everything over and use your spell check to be sure everything is accurate. When you are certain that the editing is complete, then save to publish.


Information please. The Internet is a great source of information but information is only useful when it is accurate.  


Be brief, to the point and logical. Use breaks in your text and formatting elements to make the page easy to read and understand.


Follow Directions. Be sure to follow the directions that are given for the assignment -- be creative, but within the parameters set forth on the page.


Do not delete the work of others deliberately. Unless it is part of the editing process.


Keep it on topic - classroom oriented. This isn't the place to discuss afterschool plans.