• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by heidi upton 12 years, 10 months ago

Try these cool Plugins!



Embed an existing video from any video hosting site.


Create a discussion forum and embed it in your workspace page


Create your own tutorials and post them on your workspace.


Add character to your online personality


Build an interactive poster with video, audio and text.


Create word clouds
Tagxedo Word clouds with style.


Develop a spoken narrative to photos


Even better than a powerpoint, create a music video

Surveys & Polls

Create a poll or survey and embed it on your workspace.


Real time chat on your workspace.

Footnotes & Equations

Easy to use plugins that help develop good digital citizenship.

Powerpoint Presentation

Upload or embed your existing powerpoint presentations so they're accessible for anywhere


Find other teachers on Twitter (links to an external site)


Publish your work and make it look like a book!


Choose characters, type a script and direct action for customized animated clips.
Storybird Collaborative story telling
Calendars Google Calendars can easily be embedded into a wiki.  Check out the embed code found under your calendar settings.  Don't forget to make the calendar public.  Great for homework calendars
Live Binders Collect your resources, organize them neatly, make them accessible to everyone, and present them on your wiki --- add websites, movies, pdf documents and more.  Just like a three ring binder only live!
Jigsaw Planet Create an interactive jigsaw puzzles.  Use a Wordle of vocabulary words and have students put the pieces together.
Cartoon animation: create your own endings to a story starters or create your own story from scratch.
BuildYourWildSelf Choose animal body parts to create your wild self - adaptations are described when you are finished.
Animation for Kids
Create your own animation and share.
Presentations made on the web with amazing animation.













































