

Jing -

Screen Toaster  -


There are free tools for capturing and annotating screen images and screen recordings (up to 5 minutes) and then sharing them easily through embedding on your blog or website or linking to them.  


How to embed a screencast:


  1. Create a Jing account  and create your screen cast
  2. Look for the embed code and copy it
  3. On your PBworks  page choose "insert plugin"
  4. Next choose "
  5. Paste the embed code and click save.


When is it good to use Screencasts?


How can you use screencasts in the Classroom?


Things to think about from Linda

"We had a math teacher this year who used Jing to capture some of the instructional information he shared in class, and it was a huge help to a student who missed a few days, as well as to the students who used the screen casts to review and study for tests. He was very pleased with the results (and so were the parents of the student who was out)." Cindy, Certified Educator 

"I've been using Jing for a while now and am totally addicted. I use it to capture screenshots to show teachers "how to" follow directions....and it saves me a ton of time because they can follow along...." - Cmosley, Certified Educator 


No matter which software you choose to use, you can always embed your screencast with the HTML/Java script plugin.