
Certified Educators

Page history last edited by Kristine 14 years, 6 months ago

 PBworks Certified Educators 


PBworks hosts an annual four week training session where educators of all abilities learn how to implement technology in the classroom. During the four weeks (known as PBworks Summer Camp) you will learn the best way to structure your classroom site, engage your students with audio and video and connect with experienced mentors.


"I thought that it might be interesting for you to know that a lot has happened to me since the PBsummer camp last year. I learned soooo much and I did use the wiki in my classroom and really liked it. I even was able collaborate with a university professor and have her pre-service teachers work with my 6th graders on solving math problems.


As a result of taking your summer camp, I sort of climbed to a new level in my career and was asked to interview for an instructional technology position.Well, as you can see I got it and will be working with the 4 middle schools in our county. Just thought you would like to know. I will be taking the IT administration class"


-- Leigh Hopkins