
Directory of wikis

Page history last edited by Terry Warren 10 years, 9 months ago

 PBworks Directory



Name PBwork Address How have you used your Classroom Wiki?  What was the result?


Grade Level/Age
Alejandro Marco This wiki is conceived as a collaborative site where students can learn English through multimedia lessons on different topics, including video, slides, interactive quizzes...
Avatars provided by Voki are used in different ways. For example, to introduce tasks and activities, to create reading texts with audio (text to speech tool) or to practise pronunciation (voice recording tool).
Another way of making students speak English is by using voice forums.
Each student has a personal page where he/she can publish their products, as a sort of e-portfolio.

Adult Basic Education, or "ESA", as it's known in Spain.


MrsK Shealy


This wiki is designed for readers of all ages.  It was my first wiki and is my home base reading site for all seasonal connections.  There are MS pathways for 24/7 beyond the classroom investigations.


This wiki is designed for our K-8 Library.  Not only are there book connections, you will find library skills, teacher resources, parent links, and Librarian connections to state and national sites.  Explore and enjoy your investigations.

Readers/Writers of all ages.





Learners K-8, Librarians, Educators, and Parents

Jordi Panisello This wiki is in catalan and french language to the pupils and teachers who works togheter in different projects (history, learning, emocional education, french language...). Greetings from Barcelona in Catalonia. Teachers, pupils from secondary school and university.
Donna Anderson

I am a grade 2 teacher in a classroom where many students had very little experience with computers. I developed this Grade 2 classroom wiki to feature student work (electronic portfolios), develop resources for young students, store sites for students and professionals,  and just have fun figuring out how to use voki, slideshow, wordle etc.  It has been an amazing experience!  I can't believe how much I have learned and how much my 7 and 8 year old students have learned. This is a space that is constantly developing and changing! 

NEW!!!   Feb. 2011 -Join me as an observer or participant!  

 Transformation:  Some books change the way we think! Your chance to join 7 & 8 year olds as they:

  • learn about the influence resilience has on friendship
  • experience a deeper understanding of "opening the door" to new friendships
  • begin to understand that some books change the we think:  teaching "synethsis" and "big idea"
  • learn the relationship between "summarizing" and "synthesis"
I will be posting background information (resilience, transformation of thinking, summarizing), teaching strategies, BLM, and examples of student work as we use this amazing story of an unexpected friendship to teach reading strategies, the importance of resilience and friendship. Join in as an observer or a participant.
Grade 2

Flosi Kristjansson 

This is a common file depository for primary school teachers as well as a venue for exchange of best practices in early literacy. The theme of the wiki is "Beginning Reading" and the project is supported by the Reykjavik City Department of Education. 

Teachers and school administrators 

Cláudia Simões Mariano This wiki demonstrated that the new teaching practices related to ICTs can expand the spaces and times of learning. Students no longer need to be within the walls of the school or the class schedule to build knowledge and at the same time, just having a lot of information available to students is not enough, you must turn the volume of information into knowledge . Therefore, the construction of concepts and attitudes is shaped like an old challenge, both before and chalk or videos, computers and Internet. So the use of technology is associated with pedagogical proposals that go beyond the technologies employed. The proposal must be focused on training individuals to develop their potential from the use and experimentation in space and time of learning and that space and time beyond the walls of the classroom and reach a worldwide network of computers all its possibilities. The network platform here fulfill its function of promoting greater collective knowledge construction.

High school in the public schools of Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil - "Dr. Silva Mello."


Courie-Meulink  My wiki is public and is ever evolving.   I will be adding photos of student projects and lesson plans as they are completed.  I have a large web sites page with many wonderful sites for interactive and educational uses that I continue to add to weekly. K-5 Art

Anabel Echevarria  My wiki at theb IES Tirso de Molina in Madrid, for both my EFL students and my colleagues. 

K-6 to K-12

English as a foreign language and CLIL 



Jerry Carley



These wiki's are open to anyone who wants to read them.  Content relates to information for students of registered nursing (or others).  I use usnnursing as a supplement for the Bachelor's of Science Nursing classes that I teach for the University of Southern Nevada and for Chamberlain College of Nursing.


 I have additional wiki's linked to this site--the most popular of which seems to be the nursing pharmacology site (at left).



College / University Upper Division.

Ann H Adams   This is a brand new wiki -- a resource sharing site for teachers at Forbush School at Glyndon. K-12
Kathleen Ackroyd This is a public wiki built for Adult Learners, Career Changers and Educators Higher Education/Adult Learners
Aaron Kinkaid This is a semi-public wiki built to deliver an authentic, digital learning environment for a rural school district. This has worked for over four (4) years that I have used wikis in the classroom...thanks pbworks!!! 6-8/ 11-14
Stephen Peroni This is my website/wiki for my physics classes at North Shore High School...students use the site for discussions, reflections, hw assignments, etc.   11-12th grade
Robin Bartoletti

The FAST Team at the Dallas TeleCollege helps faculty members who teach online and in hybrid classes. We are a traveling team specializing in instructional design, information technology, universal design, Quality Matters standards, web accessibility and video production. We meet with faculty members at their colleges to see how we can aid with supportive technology.

Higher Education
Long Nguyen We used this site as part of the American Culture course activities in a BA in TEFL program. Higher Education
William Jones

We have used this first wiki to share test results on common assessments to drive reteaching needs.  Now I have created a wiki for mutual planning for weekly lesson plans.  Both have been integral to our PLC's.
Grade 4
Julio Aviles Romero



Estare integrando este recurso tecnologico al curriculum de manera transversal con otras asignaturas que se correlacionan, a fin de estimular las competencias digitales, comunicativas y colaborativas en los alumnos.

Trabajare actividades colaborativas y tratare de innovar la manera tradicional en la que ellos han aprendido matematicas en el pasado, haber como responden a esta nueva manera de aprender


June Shanahan

We have utilized our classroom wiki across the curriculum, with an emphasis on Language Arts and science. My students' greatest gain has been in connecting with leading authors and scientists around the world.  It has changed their lives in meaningful and lifelong ways.

Grade 5


Alfredo T

(current, basic)
(and more... past, some basic, some premium)


Pb wikis have changed my concept of chemistry laboratory reports from a single student paper report - single review by the teacher, to a continuous, interactive and collaborative reviewing. So the single shot assignment has moved to both a continue learning process and a portfolio.

K-9 - K-10

Chris Beaven We use pbwiki to plan a weekly sing-along / assembly at our school.  A number of people contribute to the planning.  The site is a great way to keep everybody informed and also to look back at what songs we have done through the year.  The name of our Pre-School through 5th grade gathering is Pachanga.  K-12
Kori Atwood

I use pbwiki as a way to keep students and parents informed.  Lecture notes/presentations and homework assignments  for my classes are posted for the benifit of my students.  Also, I have included project guidelines and exmples of student work.  Students who are working on group projects are required to collaborate with other members of their group on the wiki.  My favorite way to use wikis is to set up "discussion boards" for students to post their ideas about a topic we are discussing in class.  It is a great way to give every student a voice.


The technology wiki is a site providing resources for staff who are interested in integrating technology.  While still under construction, tips, ideas, tutorials are available for those who want to learn how to use technology in  meaningful way.  I would love any suggestions!


Also - pbwikis are great for extracurricular activities.  I have set one up for our Key Club at  Students can view a calendar of events and sign up on the wiki for volunteer hours.  At - a student reading club, students can post thier reviews of books they have been reading.







"I use the Mrtelles site as a communication link with students
and parents. There is a section for daily homework, weekly spelling,

and long term assignments (and fun things as well).

PBWiki is easy to learn, quick to update, and always improving!





"I choose PBwiki because it was visually attractive.impressed with

how much cleaner and more attractive it looked than another, easier,

wiki I was using. Its appearance impressed me so much




"There was about 50-60 people (standing room only!) The response

was very positive..."




I like to use the wiki to post static information and as a supplement to our classroom blog. I am especially please with the easy of introducing students to writers in the community. When we get to our Lord of the Flies unit, I create group assignments and each is responsible for editing their own page on the wiki.

E. Fedderke


I love pbwiki. I learned about it at a Summer workshop at our A site
and use it DAILY to post weekly assignments, announcements, handouts, react and reflect, ask questions, awesome websites etc. I expect my students and their parents to check homework on-line if they are absent. The bottom of my page also has a blog link, and I do monthly blog assignments for each of my 9th and 10th grade English classes. So far the only problem I encountered was that one student accidentally deleted all the blogs prior to hers because they all use the same password, but I was able to retrieve them. Also about 10% of my students do not have access at home, and so the assignments are difficult for them to find time to do in study hall. My daughter is also a teacher, so I explained to her how to set one up, and she uses it for the same reasons other than the blog. Since this is my first year using this, suggestions are welcome:-) I plan to ask my principal about doing a quick in-service next August and encourage more of our teachers to set one up.


Erick Lee


I have used my wiki's to do collaborative projects in my math classes. The first page is an online portfolio of the curriculum outcomes for our math 12 class. The second page is a photo project we're working on for our precalculus class. The class really seems to like doing something where they can be a little creative.

Andrew Hill

Here in the UK lots of staff development sessions in what we call Further Education Colleges are using a webtools site that I developed a year or so back. Rather than just having a 'catalogue' I used a pbwiki to provide a way for practitioners to comment on how they found a particular application and, hopefully, in time, provide examples of good practice. K-12
 Ann Smith's+Class+Page

 These web sites show a progression of usuage. The CTIP(Curiiculum Technology Integrartion Project) wiki is used for a year long teacher training program. The Perkins Elementary wiki is for our school. The Perkins 3rd grade wiki is for our third grade teachers and their 1-1 laptop curriculum.  The last web link is an individual teachers wiki. Make sure to check out the SideBar and Quickstart as we use them for more information. We love using the wikis. They are easy and fun! Teachers have  great success using them.


Andrew Hill

Am I allowed two goes here?! Since 1998 I have been sharing notes and things on-line with staff and students but the simplicity of doing so with pbwiki has made the job so much more fun than it used to be, and people can feedback and add their own pages. What particularly impressed, well amazed me actually, was how I could copy and paste complete chunks of web pages straight in to pbwiki and, with a bit of tweaking, they were ready to go! There's now a studyzone2 which is about to be launched for distance learning tutors for canine and feline behaviour degree modules. Some of these individuals are well known tv personalities in the UK, with superb pet behaviour knowledge but little by way of IT skill! So pbwiki was my first choice for such a public challenge! OK, I'll shut up now. Just love the application and greatly appreciative of the free, no-ads, availability. K-12



Sherron Burns



Our site was started as a way to share information about Arts Ed projects in the division and as a place to highlight resources and PD.  However, the best project for us was when I set up the wiki as an online collaboration between teachers and guest artists. They live long distances apart and would not be able to meet until the day of the activity and so the wiki allowed them to plan together and to build a relationship prior to the class visit. It also gave us a way to exhibit the work and journal the process. I'm using it as the basis for some Action Research in my graduate studies as well. People were hesitant about new technology, but were pleasantly surprised to find it so easy to edit. Once they understood the purpose they bought into using it and ejoyed it.








Sheri Edwards   My home page   Grades 5-8 Class wiki


Kids love to work on wikis.  I've finally started to figure it out:


Start Page:

I have homepage ( that lists current lessons for each class with links to lessons and resources for parents and students -- students begin and end their computer period on this page.  Students draft according to abilities: if able to keyboard well, students draft on the wiki; if not, written work needs to be ready to type before accessing the computer.


Safety: I don't use student names; students create code names (pseudonyms) from their first/last names, and all students sign a contract before participating.  Parents sign a release form at the beginning of the school year.




Angela Cunningham


I teach high school freshmen, and we are using our wikis for a variety of purposes.  The "cougarpride" wiki is for our team to share news and happenings with students and their families.  From there, students can select the appropriate teacher.  On mine, "mrsangelacunningham", students can access assignments--including PowerPoints and worksheets--and add entries to our online encyclopedia--the "cougarpedia".  The "bcsocialstudies" wiki allows my department to collaborate online.  Wikis have genuinely changed how I teach.  K-12
Anne Gruettner I have created my wiki to be a one-stop technology resource for my HS Spanish students and Spanish teacher colleagues. All tech-related class activities have pages with downloadable instructions, project due dates, and if possible I post student work as well. I also have class and student club information, a vocabulary word wall, embedded videos, a student and teacher Internet resource guide, and wiki etiquette in Spanish. 9-12 
Gerri Roth I am the technology teacher in our school and use McMonagle El. wiki for a variety of reasons. I started out using it as a place to bookmark sites I wanted my students to see. Then I added a "Brag" page to show off student work. Then came the teacher page with links to educational sites. I even convinced several teachers to add their own wiki pages. A parent page has been added to allow parents quick access to sites they need. I find a wiki is much easier and quicker to update than our school's website. K-12
Melinda Gregor


I teach AP English Literature, college-prep 11th grade English, and college-prep 10th grade English. I LOVE PBWIKI!!!!  This tool has everything you need to enhance the classroom discussion as well as extend that discussion beyond to students' homes.

I love it for PBL.

The link takes you to my juniors. On the home page, please scroll to the bottom to see the movemaking project they have recently completed. They are now using their pbwiki as we collaborate on color connotations in The Great Gatsby.

I also use their home pages to communicate changes in HW, to answer questions, and to survey what they like/learn/etc.




Alona Senishch-Chmilewsky





My students (a group of 14 year olds) and I use pbwiki to run a cross-cultural project called 'Global Village'. For the last 5 months we have been collecting various data and facts about different countries around the globe. We see ourselves as virtual inhabitants of the 'Global Village'  and aim to share our knowledge about the countries we have been exploring both internally (among us) and externally with interested parties. Simultaneously we hope to change our own attitude and stereotypical thinking. I have offered my students to encorporate other free web applications into the project , like Gliffy, Pageflakes and Slide and in my opinion it added a new value (+fun). I am proud to mention that our pbwiki project has been nominated for BMW Award in Intercultural Learning, and though we haven't taken the  prize we are still happy to be noticed and children are very motivated to continue with their work. We are now establishing contacts with the shools from the countries we have been exploring and I hope that 'Global Village' will attract even more attention.





 paul shircliff  Last year I set up this wiki for my students to create their own wikis about an element from the periodic table.  They had partners who were not in the same classroom, so they had difficulty learning how to communicate with each other on a what needed done (even though I suggested creating a "ToDo" page and "talking" to each other that way ; some did)



 Suzie Vesper

 A set up this resource bank for Christmas in my capacity as an ICT advisor for nine schools. I also helped one of the teachers in our cluster to set up the webquest in the sceond link.  K-12
 Shelley Krause


(I also gave a tech talk on wikis at my school; my notes for that are archived here.)

 I use this site to help keep track of recommendations from college counselors all over the US; sometimes what a student is looking for (e.g. colleges with kosher kitchens or  more flexible curricula) isn't always available via existing databases.  Only a few other folks have helped contribute to date, but I'm happy to let editorial site engagement grow slowly as more people start to "grok" the power and possibilities of wikis.  K-12
 Bill Ferriter

 I've started using PB Wikis as a primary tool for working with colleagues.  The first wiki listed here is a collaborative project that the teachers of my language arts and social studies team are working on.  We post daily current events that are connected to our curriculum and reading skills questions that can be used to monitor student understanding.


The second is a warehouse of materials that a colleague and I are putting together to raise awareness of professional learning communities and to share the materials that we create when working with our own learning teams.


Wikis are the perfect tool for this because they are asynchronous---we can work from anywhere at any time.  That removes one of the biggest collaborative barriers in schools.

 Jeannie Krambeer  I love using a wiki as an interactive site with students.  It is so much easier than inputting information into our school web system and waiting for our tech people to find time to update with everything else they have to do.  It is great for students to have access to information at home as well.  K-12
Leigh Howell

We are using wikis to in each of my high school classes in different ways.  In my IT class students document how to create a personal workstation utilizing open source software.  In my leadership class we are working in as editorial teams to write our own textbook.


Knowing that the work they post may be read by the world, and not just me, their teacher, keeps my students engaged and motivated.




Julie Disbrow http://silver07    





"I think the product is terrific, really easy. I actually had

a teacher walk into the training who had already created

his pbwiki before any training. (And he'd linkedit off his

podcasting blog...) Probably the first teacher to use it from

the training will be the chair of the English Department - she's

going to create one for her Department members."





"I ALWAYS have my PBWiki open whenever I am on the net, so

I can easily paste in linked pages and articles from magazines,

newspapers, publications and other websites into different

categories in my Wiki. I have a large article archive that

I am constantly revisiting. The nice thing is anyone can

use it, they don't have to be computer saavy."


JL Ang

I've set up wikis to allow my students to post questions on physics

topics they are preparing for the Cambridge O level exams. This will

form a FAQ repository of answers to help all students with their

revision. Also set up are wikis for me to post physics

revision resources by topic and permanent FAQs (posted online or

asked inthe classroom).

Gerry Whelan, MD

Using the wiki to develop a comprehensive set of resources to help newly arriving doctors from other countries to learn about the Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams commonly found in American hospitals including the general concept but also who all the people are (nurses, PTs, social workers, etc.) and what they do. The wiki is being used by people all around the country and really facilitates long distane collaboration.

Lisa Gordis I've used a variety of wikis in the classroom. My latest addition is a simple wiki to allow students to sign up for office hours. It includes a 30 boxes calendar with deadlines relevant to students in my courses and to my advisees. I couldn't do this in any of the university systems, as they require separate access for students in each course and for advisees. University
Jim West I set up a Frequently Asked Questions page regarding my online class on Internet Resources, then asked my graduate students to both ask and answer the questions. Believe it or not, the FAQ started as a blank page. Students provided all the questions, answers, and organization/classification themselves. University
Andrew Hill

Here in the UK lots of staff development sessions in what we call Further Education Colleges are using a webtools site that I developed a year or so back. Rather than just having a 'catalogue' I used a pbwiki to provide a way for practitioners to comment on how they found a particular application and, hopefully, in time, provide examples of good practice. University
Andrew Hill

Am I allowed two goes here?! Since 1998 I have been sharing notes and things on-line with staff and students but the simplicity of doing so with pbwiki has made the job so much more fun than it used to be, and people can feedback and add their own pages. What particularly impressed, well amazed me actually, was how I could copy and paste complete chunks of web pages straight in to pbwiki and, with a bit of tweaking, they were ready to go! There's now a studyzone2 which is about to be launched for distance learning tutors for canine and feline behaviour degree modules. Some of these individuals are well known tv personalities in the UK, with superb pet behaviour knowledge but little by way of IT skill! So pbwiki was my first choice for such a public challenge! OK, I'll shut up now. Just love the application and greatly appreciative of the free, no-ads, availability. University



Sherron Burns



Our site was started as a way to share information about Arts Ed projects in the division and as a place to highlight resources and PD.  However, the best project for us was when I set up the wiki as an online collaboration between teachers and guest artists. They live long distances apart and would not be able to meet until the day of the activity and so the wiki allowed them to plan together and to build a relationship prior to the class visit. It also gave us a way to exhibit the work and journal the process. I'm using it as the basis for some Action Research in my graduate studies as well. People were hesitant about new technology, but were pleasantly surprised to find it so easy to edit. Once they understood the purpose they bought into using it and ejoyed it.





Jenna Carpenter I teach college-level mathematics and we are now using a number of different online resources- course management software, online homework, online tutoring, etc.  Last term my students complained that they had trouble keeping up with all of it - what was due where and when.  I tried writing daily updates on the whiteboard at the beginning of class last term.  This term I decided to put all of that info on our class wiki.  It's great because students can log on anytime to check all of their online assignments, plus I have put links to all of the sites, so they don't have to remember the urls for everything!  I also do podcasts for the class, so there is a link to our blog, where the podcasts are posted, as well.



Melinda Gregor


I teach AP English Literature, college-prep 11th grade English, and college-prep 10th grade English. I LOVE PBWIKI!!!!  This tool has everything you need to enhance the classroom discussion as well as extend that discussion beyond to students' homes.

I love it for PBL.

The link takes you to my juniors. On the home page, please scroll to the bottom to see the movemaking project they have recently completed. They are now using their pbwiki as we collaborate on color connotations in The Great Gatsby.

I also use their home pages to communicate changes in HW, to answer questions, and to survey what they like/learn/etc.


Dan Morris























I teach a class called Leadership in the Digital Age for the administrator program at the University of Denver and have used this wiki to introduce current and future school administrators to numerous Web 2.0 applications.  I use the wiki to structure our work around the National Education Technology Standards for Administrators and Teachers (NETS-A, NETS-T) and participants in the class are usually getting their first "hands-on" experience with using and contributing to a wiki.

I have also used this wiki to support numerous staff development workshops I do with educators in the US and Australia.  I am now beginning to create wikis as "support" sites for presentations and workshops I am doing for educators and to support work related to creating new graduation standards in Colorado. Here are a couple examples.

 John Martin

 One of my biggest frustrations with many Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Blackboard is the proprietary and restrictive nature of the environment. In my work with our College of Graduate Studies, I recommend the use of social software such as social bookmarking and PBwiki so that our graduates have access to these resources long after their course has ended. It is my ultimate hope that many of these graduates will continue to not only use the resources they've created themselves, but to continue to contribute back to their growing community of practice.


In my class wiki, my students will be developing projects which focus on assessing new technologies, developing policies and guides to implementation.

 Amy Masi














 I'm teaching Microbiology at a college that is striving to move towards a more student driven learning module, with collaborative projects. They would like the faculty to become more of a facillitator than just lecturer. I'm taking the summer semester to try and implement a few of these new standards using PBwiki to encourage students to summarize each lecture, list things that were confusing, and work collaboratively on case studies and disease outbreak scenarios. I've just got a few pages up and I'm asking other faculty members to comment and add to it before it is deployed. I already make heavy use of Blackboard for one way communication with students- lecture notes, due dates, labs, announcements, and grading. All the exams are given via blackboard also, but I think the wiki's encourage students to take some control of their learning, and hopefully engage them more effectively. I agree with John above about the restrictive nature of Blackboard too.


Note: 4/17/08- I've created another wiki and I'm using it for my 125 Micro Lab students this semester.  I've divided them into 20 groupsof 5-6 and given them two different bacteria to research. The parameters of the project are listed on each lab section page, as are the groups.  So far they are going great gangbusters. Assessment is done by the students, each student will be able to vote on the best project other than theirs. Extra points will be awarded to the top 5 groups ( there are 5 lab sections). Check the wiki out, it's HUGE....

 Hillary Jones

 I use wikis in all the classes I teach now.  Two of the ones included are public speaking for first-year students and message analysis.  We have a lot of speeches in these classes, and students always give half-hearted feedback in class.  Instead, I have them take notes on one another's speeches in class, look at one another's work on the wiki, and post feedback to help their colleagues grow.  This is helpful to me, also, as I have a written record of their feedback to one another, and I can track participation.  I also use my class wikis for a dynamic class schedule, to help students get to know one another (personal profiles), to coordinate their group work and projects, and to help students make connections between course concepts and things they encounter in their everday lives.


I use ANGEL (similar to Blackboard) heavily in my classes, as well, but I think the collaborative nature of wikis is hard to reproduce in other environments.  My students have responded very positively to using the wiki.


The philosophy wiki page was one I created for one of my professors.  We were having a hard time coordinating everyone's discussion questions and responses in the seminar every week--this way we could all see one another's responses, print them from one place, and access them from anywhere.  She liked using it so much she's asked me to show her how to make wikis of her own!

Vida Zorko

PBL wiki




Vocabulary Aid wiki

This is a wiki I use with my Sociology students in blended problem based learning.


This is a wiki my Sociology students use to expand their vocabulary.


Richard Glass


Marsha Spiegelman





A wiki used to teach applications of Database searching, Boolean Logic and Set Theory along with research techniques to play treasure hunt game.



A wiki used to teach second year computer science course.  Both research techniques and programming pronciples are taught.  A idea used here is that a question (page is created) on a tangential topic and the first student that correctly edits the page with the answer, receives the credit.



A wiki used to introduce students to the topic of software engineering.



A wiki used to introduce second year mathematics students the fundementals of discipline related resarch and teach information literacy.

Hala Salih I was teaching a course for postgraduate students. The face to face contact with the students was only 10 hours . So I thougt of increasing the time out side the classroom by using some of web 2.0 tools. So I used a pbwiki to post the the course content . I left a space in my blog for the students to post their comments.  All the lectures which where presented by pp were posted on SlideShare for the students to  download and look at in their own time. As this was the first time that most of them have heard of web 2.0 tools  they really enjoyed using the tools. University
Pam Charney I teach nutrition students in a clinical setting. My students are at 5 different sites, so I use a series of group assignments on the wiki to get them to work together.  University
Cindy Duprey (my seniors) (Creative Writing) (Virtual Worlds) (English 11) (English 10)


I use wikis in nearly all of my classes, but in different ways. My seniors use it as a place to showcase their work and to pick up course material, my virtual worlds class and my English 11 students use it as a space to plan projects. For my English 10 class, the wiki is simply an online source for course material. In Creative Writing, it's a place to put all the workshops/lessons for the entire semester.  
Chaouki Mkaddem     
Karen Chichester












I am a high school Special Education Teacher who teaches ELA in a Resource Room setting, My classes would be lost without our wiki.


This wiki is my class hub.  All information and resource links can be found here. I upload each day's handouts and/or presentation material. Absent or forgetful students can access these from a password protected page. Using a password protected page allows me to post copyrighted material that is used in class legally.  Each student also has his/her own private page where I can post missing work or .mp3 recordings of my comments about their work.  This is also a great way to differentiate instruction as I can post scaffolded assignments for certain students.  When we are working on digital projects, I have the students post the images they want to use (and the links) on their personal page, so we can check Copyright/Creative Commons licenses before posting their projects.


I also post my presentation resources here for ease of access.


This is my Tweetdeck/Twitter How-to wiki for staff. It's where I send colleagues that want to learn how to use Tweetdeck and learn about Twitter. (The images and directions need to be up dated to the newest Tweetdeck version.

Kathleen Porter (MsPorterAtFHS)




Our virtual learning commons wiki is a work-in-progress as students and other teachers work with me to post content and explore the possibilities vs. our traditional web site or individual Teacher Web sites. As school librarian I use it to provide password-controlled access to subscription databases as well as to collaboratively-generated project pages.


This wiki is for sharing professional development resources with other librarians, education researchers, and teachers.

9-12, professional






Brett Johnson
Wiki used to share and promote collaboration between students and teachers in English as a foreign language media lab classes. Students groups post their projects in a password-protected environment and peer-review is used to determine whether their articles can be published online.
Jason Ford  This is my new wiki. I teach beginner and advanced level esl in middle school.  Right now I'm teaching the 8th grade advanced (level 3) class about Colonial America.  Colaboration with some other wiki users would be wonderful. K-12 
Julie Caminiti


I am new to wiki and have never used it in the classroom before. I am excited about using it in my classroom because I have heard a lot of great things about using wiki. I teach 4th grade math, science, and social studies to two different groups.   4th Grade 
Tony Chan I found out about this from school so i decided to use it for my Social Netwoking Sites. Now I ♥ it. Social networking 
Larry Lueck 

I created this wiki last year with my fourth grade students.  Initially I used it to communicate to students, but then put pages together so that we could create a page in class to build vocabulary (geometry) so that students could look online to review the terms that we helped to create in class.  I then turned it into a student created wiki in which students could complete information on pre-created pages and create their own pages that were public.  I also created individual student pages that I could use for specific student assignments and communication.  Once we were up and rolling, students were adding content to their own pages every week (some nightly).  I had parents talking about how connected their students were to our curriculum and to each other (through comments with one another).

4th grade 
Virginia Alberti



I created this wiki as a project for statistic and math lessons and as a student's e-portfolio

age 16-17

3^class in italian high school (ITIS)

Kay Teehan
Middle school students are often not well-organized enough to do research projects.  This wiki walks them through the project step-by-step.   
Jeremy Zhang





Zhangjeremy's videos in youtube. NOT USED IN SCHOOL!
age 7-12 
Maria Zhang ZhangMaria's videos.  age 7-12 
Kelly Clark My class are working on book called shakespeare secret. Sorry this workspace is private. But reqest access so you can see.  4th Graders 
Jill Baedke
I am the technology instructor for three schools - meeting at their school once a week. We use the wiki to signup for lessons, consultations, small group planning - and more. The Front Page is a pointer to websites, my blog, and keeping current with ideas.
Teachers and professionals.
Michael Shepherd
I am hoping to kick start this conversation with a group of pupils from our network of schools and this will act as a lead into discussions at subsequent meetings.   It will be great to share ideas from around the world with them.
Teachers and professionals, children from KS2 (7-11 yrs) 
Sharon Davison

I am a Kindergarten teacher in Vermont.  I have 2 wikis.  Wow!  I started last November and did not realize the potential that was possible!  I have parents and students who interact on both wikis in a variety of ways; student work, projects, sign ups, questions/comments, etc.  I am still learning so much about how I can better utilize the classroom in a 3-d as opposed to a 1 dimensional way!  Lots of fun! Kindergarten 
Nate Krulish
I am a technology teacher in the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado.  We needed a place where parents, students and teachers can communicate and interact with eachother.  Here, 5th Graders build websites, teachers interact with parents and students, and it all is done with just a few clicks!!!  We love PBworks!  Come join our community!
Béatrice Alves

I teach English as a Foreign Language in Brazil, mostly for specific purpose, partly online.

I use these two wikis to store material I'm going to use during my online classes so that I can give these classes from wherever I am.

I also use them to assign complementary activities to the learners so that they can reach a higher level of responsibility and autonomy in their learning process.



Jane Carvajal  As a library director for a college, I use it to manage my library staff and tutors, schedules and appointments.  It has been great!  College/University 
Valerie Burton


  1. Site that I share with a class from Germany for collaborative work.
  2. Site that houses English I student work
  3. Site that I use to communicate with parents and students
  4. Site that houses handouts and presentations
  5. Site that I use for English Department news and resources

Wikis allows for 24/7 communication.  I will forever be a PBWorks user.


Freshman English




Shayne Train

I use wikis to organize lesson plans for my art and computer classes. I upload handouts, show images and have even created how-to clips for my classes. I find that my wikis help to keep me organized and give my students a richer, audio-visual experience.




Cindy Gay 






1. My class wiki. I use this wiki to communicate with students and parents about each of my classes. Everything I produce electonically (handouts, PowerPoints, assignment calendars) is downloadable from this site. I also use this site for student collaboration on projects and lab experiments.

2. National Honor Society wiki - maintained and organized by my NHS members.

3. Ecology Club wiki - maintained and organized by Ecology Club members

4. School Professional Development wiki - brand new this week, This wiki is meant for staff at my school to collaborate and have professional conversations around topics to improve student learning.

High School

AP Biology



Danesa Jepson

I use my wiki for informational as well as collaborative work. It has a calendar for students and parents to reference homework, quizzes, and projects. I upload student work and pictures. I have a space where students or parents as me questions through an online chat or on a page. I upload worksheets, notes, and videos used in class. I also use the wiki for the clubs and sports I am involved in to post their information as well as a way for them to collaborate with each other.  The other wiki is solely for our afterschool program, which is mostly informational.

Seventh Grade English


After School Program

Christina DeSimone  I use my wiki to stay in contact with parents, to give work to student who miss class, to hold interactive games, for lesson planning and my student use the wiki as almost a folder for their work.  


Family and Consumer Sience

Carol Peterson


We use this wiki for our Digital Educator Program participants.  Each school submits their lesson to the wiki and we keep our resources on it.  Instructional Technologist for K-12 public schools 
Cheryl Rolland This wiki is for use with an educational project which I am developing for internet based police education.  Initially, it will be used for a lesson on Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence for Police Trainers.  The next stage of its development will be for a collaborative project for the Police Society for Problem Based Learning  Throughout the PSPBL project collaboration, an international group of Level II PBL Police Instructors will be working on a problem based learning course of achievement for Level IV certification.  I did not use in classrooms, meant for teachers to look at first.  Some sites require adult preview before you send students. 
Margaret Teske  ESL Instructors can find a variety of games, especially Jeopardy-style Power Point games to play for vocabulary, conversation, and grammar review.  Add to it if you would.  ESL secondary and adult 
Dimitris Spyropoulos 



  • Human rights 
  • E twinning project 
  • E twinning project about emigration 
  • School work. Subject "bullying" 
 Colette Bennett Wikis are used by every member of my English Department for all classes. We also use a wiki as a resource platform to share lesson plans. The school National Honor Society is also using a wiki to communicate.

English Department Chair

Grades 7-12

Marta García  http://los niños     
Christina Jenins  I  just learned how to use the wiki.  I'm using my wiki with my 2nd grade class.  They are learning how to create their own page and research about an occupation they are interested in.  
Sybil Nichol This wiki is used for my Biology Classroom to encourage student collaboration and use of higher order technology.  Biology Teacher Grades 11-12 
Kimberly Burke  Created this to house all my great Internet sites that I found out about in seminars and research. Liked that I was able to type alittle information about the site. K-8th (Elementary) 
 Shelia Taylor  This is my first time on the Wikis web site and I'm trying to learning how to use this site for my summer class. If there anyone who can give me more person experience on how their first on the site was I would appreciate it.   
Charles Forstbauer


This is my HS biology classes wiki. This is the second year I've used it in class and it is great. I use it to post all the common stuff and students update it with notes. It is also used for class projects and lab data. Contribution to the wiki is one possible way students earn independent points for their final grade.  High School 
Luann Smith
This is a completely revised wiki with all the bells and whistles for Spanish I-AP. High School
Janice VanCleave

 I completed summer camp 2009. Instead of developing my own wiki, I worked with two other campers on their elementary classroom wikis. Each teacher created an ASK Janice page where students posted science questions and I answered them.


This new wiki is brand new--I plan to add all the bells and whistles for educators.

FYI: I write science and math experiment books for kids and science resource books for educators. I hope to meet more elementary educators during summer camp. My email:

John Mokias


My name is John Mokias, I am Greek teacher in 5th elementary school of Tirnavos, Larissa. I apply daily in my classroom teaching with ICT. I created this Wiki to  help other teachers to use new technologies and their application in the classroom 5th class in greek elementary school. Age: 10 - 11
Jordan Ullman  I created my wikispace as a way to extend the learning beyond my classroom.  I have pages for each of the subject areas I teach where students can ask questions or comments on lessons.  It also became a place where students could upload documents they were working on at school so they could work on them from their home computers.  I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can do with it!    5th Grade 
Heidi Upton  This wiki is used as a container for course information, student portfolios and a place for students to work together. The course is a freshman transition course called "Discover New York" and my version of it focuses on homelessness in NYC. Students must not only read about the issues,  but each student must engage in direct service to the homeless population. Some of them engage in creative art projects with clients. They all must reflect on their experience in creative projects such as photo essays and story telling.   College freshmen 
Doretta Lambert

With both of these wikis, my students were able to create student portfolios.  This motivated them to work diligently.  Also, these two classroom wikis have given my students over the past two years the opportunity to explore online within the confines I set.  The first year reading and response was the main objective.  This past year I expanded my wiki to many other subjects as well.  It wasn't very manageable.  Last summer I was a camper and this year will be a mentor.  I am hoping after working with other campers and mentors, I can create a wiki that is quite useful for my students, yet completely manageable for me.

3rd Grade 
MrsK Expanding the wiki is full of new connections beyond my classroom/Library.  I can't stop creating new pages, adding new links, face-lifting old pages.... I am such a wikimeister! 

K-8 Library

7-8 Language Arts

Educators=6Trait WritingWksp

University Tech Cert

Tamara Lazzara 

This is my monolog for my drama class titled Don't Smoke.  Oh man, I can hear Grandma every time I try to enjoy this.  "Smoking is bad for your health and it will catch up with you someday and you'll be sorry.  It harms nearly every organ in the body and causes 87% of lung cancer deaths, it's responsible for other health problems too like lung disease, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke, cataracts and more."  Oh, I need it just to feel normal, I'm so nervous without it and I word hard and if it feel good then I should not worry about my grandma's voice and just enjoy this little thing.  Awww, I feel relaxed, calm, and now I can think.  Smoking is not bad, look at how many people do it.  Hey, it's my little Chris.  Oh look at him; he's finally riding his bike.  Wow, so good for a four year old.   He's so enjoying himself.  What a cutie!

Oh no I hear my grandma again.  "Tami, you have someone else to live for and smoking is going to cut your life short and what will little Chris do without his mom."  Oh, Grandma, why are you always right?  I will stop.

Susan Haninger

Falcon Watch Ohio

This is the wiki I am the most proud of, however I have several others.
I teach k-8, this wiki is used with a 5th grade class in the spring.
Polly-Alida Farrington
Class resources for library and school technology training sessions.
Professional Development 
Christina Brownell  This is a wiki for my school media center. Students use it regularly to access their teachers' sites, to find reference databases, research help and other fun stuff . I use a glogster to add some visual interest and to link to other sites.  Grade 7-12 library media center 
Stacy Sherman  For use in my Technical High School Technical Classroom  Jr, Sr, and Adult technical Web Mulitmedia projects 
Fred Arnold  For connecting my 7th grade class to Malawi, Africa  middle school 
Annette Christy

(request access....just tell me you are requesting via info on this page)

I use this wiki as a hub for my teaching, research (project management) work as an associate professor at the University of South Florida.  I also use it as a central place to keep information on a variety of topics relevant to my work.

Univeristy/College level

(although I have a quite extensive set of pages/links on wiki/web 2.0 "stuff" that could be useful to a variety of levels.

university GTEP 
Henry Hill
Tech For Teachers offers an alphabetical list of topics of interest to educators from Adobe, Answers, Art of Teaching to Wikis, Wikieducator Courses and Workshops.
Tech for Teachers is for K-Graduate School and anyone who teaches. 
Linda F.   Brand new to wikis - doing the 4 week "Summer Camp" and loving everything that I am learning.  Excited to use with students next year!

Learning Assistance Teacher

Grades K-6

Humphrey E. University level essays are more formal compared to other kinds of essays. University essays give more references, bibliographies, and present more facts compared to other academic essays. University Essays
Dianne B.


Am feeling fortunate to have gotten this far.  College Grad 
Chris Morgan A virtual space where math and CTE educators can collaborate to infuse CTE lessons with math concepts and provide context (i.e. application) to math lessons. Primarily high school ,but could apply to middle school as well.  All grades are welcome to collaborate!
Tricia Lazzaro 

Find Middle School & High School differentiation examples such as RAFT,

 by type or subject.  The site purpose is to provide ideas for using technology with differentiation, including new web 2.0 capabilities.

Middle School, High School
Alfredo Ascanio
This is a new Wiki about evaluation Higher Education Higher Education
Wanda Willis Working with students hand-in-hand to change the world.  I am a Family and Consumer Science (FACS)/compute/business teacher who is currently seeking employment.  So... my workspace is a conglomerant of topics that I am preparing for when I return to the classroom.  I would like to build up the professional development piece as well. This is my first wikki and I can't wait to do more.

Secondary Ed

Adult Ed

Jose Villanueva Herrera
A virtual space in Spanish on business management in a collaborative approach to carrying out work related to management issues. University
Debbie Purvines
These wikis are used to post resources for teachers in K-12. I also use these when I train to post information and materials used in the workshop so teachers will always have access to them.  
Steve Parker this is an elementary school wiki for my 4th grade class in Japan.  I have learned alot from all of you so it's payback time. 4th grade
Diane Evans (this is my showcase web space - it really worked and the students thoroughly enjoyed creating their own work space portfolios)

I have several wikis that I'm using with Emirati students studying office technology courses in English, so have to remember they are reading in a second language.


I'm still finding ways of using PBworks to store and share information. I love it.

Vocational college in the United Arab Emirates
Javier Patricio Borche Este sitio fue generado para los alumnos del cuarto año de la carrera de turismos cátedra Metodología y técnicas de la Investigación FGC UADER Sede Concepción del Uruguay  
Terry Warren  This wiki has been used for my elementary school classes, as a repository for educational links and a venue for sharing student work. elementary school