

Page history last edited by Math in a Box - Susan Johnsey gm 14 years, 7 months ago

How to use PBworks inside the classroom

(Also see Real Examples and our Directory)

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General Wiki Use

Course Resource

  • Post Syllabus and schedule
  • Upload all handouts for easy access 


General Collaboration

  • Start discussions by encouraging comments on page topics
  • Encourage peer grading


Encourage out of class communication

  • Share your class list (expose the user panel)


Classroom Webpage

  • Build your own classroom website
  • Post classroom content to share with parents, other faculty members, etc.
  • Example classrooms Math classes at PBWORKS  2010


Collaborative Textbooks

  • Build out a list of resources that traditionally reside in textbooks, please it on your workspace and have students edit, add content. For each topic(chapter) ask student to research and post their work on the wiki. Monitor posts to ensure they're accurate, use folders to orgganize content and search to locate exact text.


Students Pages

  • "I used it to build community by posting everyone's picture on a "Who We Are" page and asking students to contribute brief bios to that page. That worked really well. It helped me learn who my students were and it also helped my students get to know one another. We also used it as a springboard to discussions about online privacy and the nature of the public and private in today's world."Gloria Jacobs


Class notes

  • "Students were assigned to summarize the information discussed in class on a specific day.  Other students then commented on, or added links to, the work of their peers. I found that in many cases, even students who are uncomfortable speaking in class are willing to participate in an online environment." Angela Cunningham


 Study Guides

  • "My students also did a nice job in creating study guides for each chapter.  It worked better when I developed a series of questions that needed to be addressed rather." Melissa Pearson


Homework question

  • Students can respond to a homework question by placing comments.



Resource Hub

  •  Organize articles, websites, videos, and other resources for students


College Application

  • Have students build an online resume over the semester -  posting top essays, resume, external activities, etc.





  • Use the wiki as a place for students to more deeply analyze course texts. Begin by posting passages on the wiki and have students interpret the content.  Build a collaboration experience  have students comment on each others work in the comment section.



  • Post weekly assignments for students to answer on the wiki. Have students create new pages for each assignment and file them in the folder for that week.



Resource Hub

  • Organize articles, websites, videos, and other resources for students


Job Preparation

  • Have students post top essays, school work, resume, etc.. to build an online resume for job applications


Build a study guide or a set of exam questions

  • Have student post suggested exam questions and submit answers to the wiki. Use these questions and answers as a study guide